Offences and Penalties
Annual statement, audited in the prescribe
manner to be filed to the Registrar for the
year ending on 31st December.
Making any false entry in the Form or in
general statement-fine up to Rs.500/-.
Legal Aspects of Hospital Management – Dr. B.G. Maniar
On continuing default additional Rs.5/- for
each week. ( not exceeding Rs.50/- )
Supplying false information regarding T.U.-
fine up to Rs.200/-
3.3 The Industrial Employment
(Standing Orders) Act, 1946
3.3.1 Applicability of the Act
- Every establishment wherein 100 or more
in many states 50, in Gujarat 10 or more
employees are employed.
3.3.2 Object
- is to establish harmonious relationship
between employer and employees by providing
uniform and stable conditions of service. The
Act requires employers to clearly define with
sufficient precision the conditions of
employment i.e. standing orders/service rules.
Legal Aspects of Hospital Management –
Dr. B.G. Maniar
3.3.3 Conditions for certification of
Standing Orders
- Every matter to be set out as per the
Schedule and Rules (S. 2A)
- Standing Orders to be in conformity with
the provisions of the Act.
Matters to be provided in Standing Orders
Classification of workman, e.g., permanent,
temporary, apprentice, probationer or badli,
Period and hours of work, holidays, wage
rates, shift working, attendance and late
coming, requirement to enter premises by
certain gates and liability to search.
Conditions of, procedure for, and the
authority which may grant leave and
Suspension, termination, dismissal for
misconduct, and act or omission which may
constitute misconduct, suspension
allowance, etc.
Means of redressal for workman against
unfair treatment by the employer or his
agent or servants. Etc [S. 2(g), 3(2)]