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History lives preschool and visiting museums


History Lives
Preschool–Grade 5
At living history museums children can see people doing the work of
blacksmiths, tin workers, shoemakers, weavers and others. They can see
how things used to be made and learn how work and daily life have
changed over time.
What You Need
Visitor brochures and museum maps
Sketch pad and pencils, or camera
Whatto Do 

★ Plan a visit to a living history museum with
your child. Write or call the museum ahead of
time to obtain information brochures and a
map. Well-known living history museums are
located in Williamsburg, Va., and Old
Sturbridge Village, Mass., but smaller museums
can be found in many other places across the
country. If you can’t visit a museum, travel there by reading books or
conducting “virtual” tours on the Internet.
—Talk with your child about the information in the brochures and
what he can expect to see at the museum. Make sure that he
understands that what he will see is life the way it was once
actually lived—not make-believe.
—Help your child sketch something in the museum and put it in his
history log. Tell him that drawings were the way events were
visually recorded before there were cameras.
—Use your camera to make a modern record of history and create a
scrapbook with the photographs of what you saw When you get home, ask your child what his favorite object or
activity is and why. Talk with your child about what it would have
been like to live in that historical place in that period of time. Your
family might pretend to be living in the historical place. Try
spending an evening “long ago,” without using electrical lights
and other appliances such as TVs and microwave ovens. How is
life without those luxuries different from your life today?
Cooking Up History
Kindergarten–Grade 5
Every culture has its version of bread. Children enjoy making this Native
American fry bread. (Check the Bibliography and Resources sections of
this booklet for books that contain other recipes from history.)
What You Need
2 1/2 cups all-purpose or wheat flour
1 1/2 tablespoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon dried skimmed milk powder
3/4 cup warm water
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
Oil for frying
Mixing bowls and spoons, spatula
Large skillet
Cloth towels
Baking sheet
Paper towels
Whatto Do
★ Talk with your child about Native American peoples—that they lived
in what is now the United States for thousands of years before nonnative peoples came here, and that many tribes still live throughout
the United States.
★ Read a book with your child about Native American life, both long
ago and today, either fiction or nonfiction. With an older child,
search the Internet for Native tribes, such as Blackfeet, Chippewa and
Navajo. Explore Web sites to learn about tribes’ geographic locations,
tribal activities and programs

★ Have your child help you gather all of the ingredients listed above.
For a younger child, talk about what you’re doing as you complete
each step in the recipe. Your older child can complete the steps as
you read them aloud. Reminder: You’ll need to supervise your child
closely, regardless of his age, as you work around a hot stove!
Follow this recipe:
—In a large bowl, stir together the flour, baking powder and salt. In
a small bowl, stir together the dried milk, water and vegetable oil.
Pour this liquid over the dry ingredients and stir until the dough is smooth (1 or 2 minutes). Add 1 tablespoon of flour if the dough is
too soft.
—Knead the dough in the bowl with your hands about 30 seconds.
Cover it with a cloth and let it sit 10 minutes.
—Line the baking sheet with paper towels to receive the finished
—Divide the dough into eight sections. Take one section and keep
the rest covered in the bowl. Roll the dough into a ball and flatten
with your hand. Then roll it into a very thin circle 8 to 10 inches
across. The thinner the dough, the puffier the bread will be. Cover
this circle with a cloth. Continue with the other seven sections of
dough in the same way.
—In the large frying pan or skillet, pour vegetable oil to about 1 inch
deep. As you begin to roll the last piece of dough, turn on the
heat under the skillet. When the oil is hot, slip in a circle of
dough. Fry for about 1 minute or until the bottom is golden
brown. Turn the dough over with tongs or a spatula. Fry the other
side for 1 minute.
—Put the fry bread on the baking sheet and continue with the other
rounds of dough.
—Eat your fry bread while it’s hot and crisp. Put honey on it if you like.
★ Help your child to use the Internet or reference books to find out
more about the role of bread in human history

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